The P&C is a non-for-profit organisation made up of parents and interested community citizens who want to be actively involved in their children’s school and facilitate its development and further improvement by fundraising, through fun activities and events, for new equipment and infrastructure.

The P&C is made up of a diverse group of parents and are always looking for new members to join. From working parents, to those with young infants, to those trying to juggle high school and primary school, your presence is always valued. Depending on the age of your children, the relevance and importance of different equipment changes. We value everyone’s opinion and actively seek differing viewpoints into how funds are raised and how they are spent.

The P&C cost $1 to join and new members can join throughout the year by attending a meeting or by completing the membership form online and emailing it to the secretary. Membership payment is also available through the website. Meetings are held twice a term and we have both morning and evening meetings to try and accommodate everyone’s differing work/life balance. Meetings are also attended by the principal or deputies, and this allows updates on what is needed and how we can assist the school in ensuring the best environment for our children.

New ideas are always welcome at the meeting, they must be emailed to the secretary at least 1 week prior to the meeting, to ensure that the agenda can be sent to all members, before it is raised and voted on.  All ideas are voted on in a democratic manner, with all members who are present at the meeting having an equal vote. The meeting must reach a quorum of members to allow any voting to occur.

The Fundraising Committee organises events throughout the year from school discos and colour runs, to bake sales and pop-up stalls for Mother’s and Father’s Day. They also organise adult-only events such as Quiz nights and Bogan Bingo. We always need volunteers, but we understand that everyone has different time constraints so are happy for people to give as much as they can, without judgement.

The P&C Second-hand Uniform Shop is run by volunteers and is open on Thursdays between 8.15and 8.45am. We sell second hand uniforms and school approved hair accessories, library bags and new hats. Please feel free to pop into the P&C shop, which is located next to KidzBiz, and have a chat with the volunteers about any P&C related issues.

For more information, please check out the P&C notice board located on the Biara block or online through our website. Please like our social media page to be kept updated with new events and initiatives.

Website: https://beaumaris-primary-school-pandc.square.site/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beaumarispandc

Email: beaumarispandc@gmail.com

Warm regards,

Kate Long

P&C President

P & C Membership Form